3 months after the resection of HO.1 |
3 months after the resection of HO.2 |
再発をしないように心がけていたのは、Huynh Ba Linh 先生のアドバイスの通り、異所性骨化切除手術から一ヶ月半くらいは無理なリハビリをしないということでした。自然な負荷のリハビリのみにしていました。切除手術から約3ヶ月経過した今では、軽い運動も再開しています。可動域の制限はまだ残っていますが、膝と患部自体には正座をしようとして強い負荷をかけない限り違和感は特に感じません。
A local doctor diagnosed that there isn't recurrence of HO now. Although I have been caring about recurrence, It seems to me that I feel safe evidently.
I have been careful about recurrence of HO so I determined not to rehab hard. I did natural physiotherapy as Ba Linh Huynh MD advised me. Now 3 months passed after resection of HO and I restart easy exercise. I still have limitation of knee ROM but I don't feel a sense of discomfort unless I put a load on knee and diseased site strongly.
Before, I received correction surgery of leg length discrepancy (LLD) and after removal of external fixator and pins, right knee's ROM was very tight so I tried to rehab hard. It seemed to me that intense swelling occurred after enthusiac physiotherapy and recovery of ROM was not easy that I thought. Truth to be told, I could get smooth recovery when I did appropriate exercise at ease and with patience rather than hard physiotherapy. I felt gradual recovery before I knew it. So I think it's not good psychologically and physically for me to think rash recovery is needed to turn back to normal life. That is a heart-searching from my experiences.
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